Spices Market report

Cumin: No bullish forecast Yesterday, it was reported that the arrival of cumin in Unjha has reduced slightly to 27 thousand bags. Despite comparatively low arrivals, buying remained weak and there was news of further decline of Rs 50-100 per 20 kg. Here, due to sluggish buying by stockists, cumin remained at the previous level of Rs 27,200 per quintal. Recently there was a decline of Rs 200 in it. Market sentiment is being affected by the increase in arrival of new crops. Cumin is not expected to be strong in the coming days. Red chilli: Will remain strong There has been a rise in red chilli prices due to supply becoming weaker than usual and increased purchasing. Due to increased buying by stockists, number 334 red chilli rose by Rs 500 to Rs 23,500 per quintal. Recently there was a slight slowdown in it. There was a weekly holiday in Guntur, but before that, information was received about the arrival of about 1.25 lakh bags of red chilli and the price remained at the same level as the day before. Market sentiment is being affected by the activeness of stockists and exporters. Red chillies are expected to remain strong in the coming days. Black pepper: Bearish trend in the market Despite the reduced price, the sale of black pepper remains sluggish. This is the reason why black pepper remains at the previous level of Rs 610 per kg. Recently there was a decline of Rs 20-25 in it. Business remained closed in Kochi due to the weekly holiday, but earlier it was reported that the arrivals there were negligible and the prices remained at the same level as a day before. Market sentiment is being affected due to the new crop. There is a possibility of sluggishness in the spot market in the coming days. Clove: Market to remain Steady Even with the reduced prices, the offtake of cloves remains sluggish. As a result, cloves have remained at the previous level of Rs 950 per kg. Recently there was a decline of Rs 10 in it. Market sentiments are being affected due to prices remaining higher than normal and rising temperatures. There is no possibility of increase or decrease in clove prices in the coming days. Small cardamom: No expectation of rise in spot prices In the KCPMC auction held a day ago, it was reported that the arrival of small cardamom had increased to 75,040 kg. Due to comparatively higher arrivals while weak buying, its average auction price declined to Rs 1425.21 per kg. Earlier in this auction held on February 16, this price was Rs 1483.20. Due to sluggish buying here, small cardamom remained stuck at the previous closing level of Rs 7.5 mm 1675 per kg. Recently there was a decline of Rs 125 in it. Small cardamom is not expected to rise in spot prices in the coming days.

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