Maize - Possibility of Downward trend in the market

The export of maize from America has been 392 lakh tonnes. America has exported 43 lakh tonnes of maize in January, which is 35% more than last year. In the month of February, 37 lakh tonnes of maize was exported from Brazil which was 22 lakh tonnes last year. Due to stagnation in the prices of maize in the Indian markets and increase in the use of maize in making ethanol, the demand for maize has increased in India. The demand for ethanol starch factories and animal feed and poultry feed has also increased. According to experts, if the use of maize for ethanol increases in the future, then the rise in maize prices may continue. But ethanol plants are more inclined towards rice and sugarcane sera because more ethanol is produced from these genes. Now the arrival of new maize in Bihar lines is going to increase strongly after Holi due to which some slowdown in the price of maize is possible.

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