Maize Report - No Significant Surge Yet

In both Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, which are major states for rabi season maize production, there has been a considerable increase in production. Despite this, a shortage situation has arisen in the markets due to a 27-28% increase in consumption by ethanol companies. In reality, the maize stock in Bihar's warehouses is only about 68% full, and the season there is coming to an end. On the other hand, in Uttar Pradesh, competitive buying of maize has driven prices to ₹2,550/₹2,560 at warehouse locations. In Haryana and Punjab, maize from these states is being sold at ₹2,770/₹2,800. With the anticipated arrival of ample quantities of imported maize in the future, there is no expectation of a significant increase in prices in the near term.

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